How did LIFE begin on earth?
Two popular theories on how life was created on earthMay 27th, 2016
Episode 10: Two popular theories on how life was created on earth are…
1. The Primordial Soup Theory suggest that 3.8 billion to 3.55 billion years ago life began in a pond or ocean as a result of the combination of chemicals from the atmosphere and some form of energy to make amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, which would then evolve into the first species on Earth.
2. Panspermia, the theory that life on the earth originated from microorganisms or chemical precursors of life present in outer space and able to initiate life on reaching a suitable environment.
Tardigrades can withstand…
1. Temperatures from 1 K to ~420 K
2. Tardigrades in the tun state could survive a pressure of 600 megapascals (MPa). At these crushing pressures, proteins and DNA are ripped apart!
3. Ionizing radiation hundreds of times higher than the lethal dose for a human
4. Vacuum of outer space
5. 30+ years without food or water!